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Information technology in education has improved communication. In regions that were once thought hard to reach such as places in sub-Saharan Africa are now accessible through eLearning. Tutors can lecture learners over long distances and scholars can achieve their academic papers through eLearning. Also, students that feel like studying from home can now do it.

Information technology in education has improved and has also brought about an easy access to different learning resources. They help to improve teaching skills and learning abilities of students. These learning resources include audio and visual education. Students are taught with projectors in classrooms or lectured through class speakers.

Students and teachers can also easily download eBooks from the internet which can be read from anywhere through your phone or tablet.

For children with disabilities, information technology in education has brought gadgets to help them with learning. For instance, the hearing impaired use electronic devices called hearing aids.

They can also use visual learning where sign language is used on electronic media to enhance communication. This has been a role of information technology in education.

Combined learning is also improved. Information technology in education has made it possible for learners to have study groups.

Students can now create combined ideas, solve problems and learn more through group studies and academic forums online.

The incorporation of information technology in education has brought so many positive changes. More academic systems should embrace technology because it makes teaching more effective and aids in practical learning.

Students should also embrace it because in the future, most of the jobs will be technologically based. With time, everyone will see the significance of information technology in education.

These were my view.. what are yours?

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